During the “big construction” period, AIFusion leads the supercomputing revolution in the AI era
2024-02-23 19:04:55 Primitive Reading

 Computing power is productivity, and those who have computing power win the world.
With the rapid development and breakthroughs of the new generation of artificial intelligence technology, the demand for AI computing power, which is dominated by deep learning computing models, has increased exponentially.​
Data shows that between 1960 and 2010, the computational complexity of AI doubled every two years; between 2010 and 2020, the computational complexity of AI surged 10 times every year.
Faced with such large models and complex calculations, it is urgent to improve AI computing power.

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After all, among the three elements of the development of artificial intelligence: data, algorithms and computing power, both data and algorithms are inseparable from the support of computing power.
So, where does AI computing power come from?

AI computing power enters a period of "big construction"

The important role of AI computing power in improving the core competitiveness of national and regional economies has become an industry consensus.
The "2020 Global Computing Power Index Assessment Report" shows that for every increase in the computing power index by 1 point on average, the digital economy and GDP will grow by 3.3‰ and 1.8‰ respectively." The visible pulling effect on the digital economy has become an important step for national and local governments. The inner logic of AI computing power.
Looking at the world, under the government investment-led model, the United States relies on three major systems: six national laboratories under the Department of Energy, intelligent computing centers in universities supported by the National Science Foundation, and supercomputing centers under NASA, to vigorously promote computing. computing power platforms to "grow" intelligent computing capabilities; the European Union has built 8 large-scale computing power platforms in Europe through the "EuroHPC Plan" and actively promoted the integration with artificial intelligence technology.

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Scenario implementation promotes the development of AI computing power

It is undeniable that the larger the computing power of a country, the higher the level of economic development.
The computing power scale and economic development level of countries around the world have shown a significant positive correlation.
The arrival of the era of intelligent interconnection of all things and the implementation of AI intelligent scenarios will generate unimaginable massive amounts of data. These data will further stimulate demand for AI computing power.
The "2022-2023 China Artificial Intelligence Computing Power Development Assessment Report" shows that the top five industries with application penetration in China's artificial intelligence industry in 2022 are the Internet, finance, government, telecommunications and manufacturing.
Compared with 2021, the penetration of AI in the industry has increased significantly.
Among them, the Internet industry is still the industry with the highest penetration and investment in artificial intelligence applications;
The penetration of artificial intelligence in the financial industry has increased from 55% in 2021 to 62%. Intelligent customer service, physical robots, smart outlets, cloud access points, etc. have become typical applications of artificial intelligence in the financial industry;
The penetration of artificial intelligence in the telecommunications industry will increase from 45% to 51% in 2021. Artificial intelligence technology is integrated into the construction and optimization of telecommunications networks and provides support for the construction of the next generation of smart networks;
The penetration of artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry has increased from 40% to 45%. It is expected that by the end of 2023, 50% of China's manufacturing supply chain links will use artificial intelligence.
As the usage and development of new technologies and application scenarios continue to increase, it has also brought continuous power to the development of AI computing power.
First, cloud AI models are developing in a large-scale direction, and the construction of computing power infrastructure has become a key element of competition.
The BERT large model launched by Google in 2019 has 340 million parameters, uses 64 TPUs, and costs $15,000 to train to the target accuracy.
In 2020, the GPT-3 large model launched by OpenAI has 175 billion parameters and the training cost reached US$12 million.
In 2021, Microsoft and NVIDIA used 4,480 GPUs to train a large MT-NLG model with 530 billion parameters, and its training cost was as high as US$85 million.
Second, the demand for AI computing power at the edge is increasing rapidly.
Emerging application scenarios such as cloud gaming and autonomous driving have put forward higher requirements for the speed and magnitude of data transmission. The deployment of edge terminals between terminals and clouds to form a "cloud-edge-end" communication architecture has become the main focus of future technology development. direction.
The growing demand for edge computing will effectively drive the development of AI computing power.
Third, intelligent connected cars have increased demand for AI computing power.
The penetration rate of autonomous vehicles continues to increase, and vehicle driving control systems are developing towards intelligent functions such as "perception-recognition-interaction".
Therefore, the intelligent driving AI model plays an important role in helping the car move from the L1/L2 assisted driving stage to the L3/L4 autonomous driving stage, and ultimately realize the functions of "intelligent decision-making and real-time control".
As the amount of various types of driving data that needs to be trained increases, as well as the need to develop intelligent driving AI models, the demand for AI computing power will increase significantly in the future.
Fourth, the construction of the virtual reality world requires the support of AI computing power.
AI technology provides intelligent empowerment such as modeling automation and intelligent interaction methods for the virtual reality world, which is expected to improve the efficiency of VR content production and the immersive experience of users.
VR content providers’ pursuit of quickly creating virtual scenes and improving user sensory experience has stimulated their demand for AI computing power.

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AIFusion: Leading the supercomputing revolution in the AI era
AIFusion aims to provide cheap computing power and sustainable development superpower to AIGC entrepreneurs and developers around the world, and start the supercomputing revolution in the AI era.
The core concept of AIFusion is to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry through the construction of a distributed computing power cluster network and computing power leasing services under a trusted network. As a global experiment, the AIFusion supercomputing protocol provides users with the opportunity to purchase AI supercomputing network mapping servers, and enjoy dividends from the computing power generated by the corresponding servers through the protocol mining distribution mechanism.
AI Supercomputer is a distributed supercomputing network platform launched by AIFusion, co-sponsored by AIFusion Labs and the foundation sponsor Inflection AI. The platform uses its own resources to purchase computing power from centralized supercomputing equipment suppliers in 20 countries and regions around the world, providing stable and low-cost computing power rental, technology expansion and analytical data business support for AIGC industrial institutions and AI generation systems. . At the same time, AIFusion relies on the supercomputing protocol and computing power supply network system to provide global users with the opportunity to participate in the core computing power supply chain of the entire AIGC industry, allowing them to obtain stable and high-yield investment returns in the computing power blue ocean market.
The uniqueness of the AIFusion supercomputing protocol is that it is not only a technical experiment, but also a global revolution in computing power. By purchasing an AI supercomputing network mapping server, users can not only enjoy advanced computing power services, but also share the computing power revenue generated by the server through the mining distribution mechanism. This participatory mechanism allows more people to deeply participate in the core of the artificial intelligence industry, thus promoting the sustainable development of the entire industry.
The launch of the AIFusion supercomputing protocol provides global investors with a convenient way to participate and an AI income path. This is not only a technological change, but also an open, inclusive and sharing revolution. Under the leadership of AIFusion, we look forward to witnessing the supercomputing revolution in the AI era, allowing more people to share the dividends brought by artificial intelligence, and jointly create a prosperous artificial intelligence ecosystem in the future. AIFusion connects the world and creates the future of AI!

Disclaimer: This specification is preliminary and is subject to change at any time without notice. Amazon Finance assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein.

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