Swarm/Nbzz: Making the Swarm Network the most comprehensive distributed computing infrastructure network in coverage
2021-09-15 14:43:29 Primitive Reading

 According to MarketsandMarkets, the second largest market research firm in the world, which released the global data storage market size forecast, the global data storage market will break the $100 billion mark by 2024. In the era of digital economy, data storage is one of the most popular application scenarios. Currently, centralized data storage is facing a serious crisis of trust, and blockchain, with its decentralized, secure, and tamper-evident characteristics, is the key direction of the next generation of information technology innovation breakthroughs and contains a huge innovation space. The interactive reaction of blockchain and big data, artificial intelligence and other innovative elements will give rise to phenomenal new technologies, new products, new applications and new models.
To compensate for the congestion and storage problems of the Ethernet network, Swarm implements distributed storage, whose main goal is to provide sufficiently decentralized and redundant storage for public records on the Ethernet chain, specifically storing and distributing DAPP code and data as well as blockchain data. To improve the economic incentive model of Swarm BZZ, Leet Squad, the official technical team of Swarm, has developed a new communication protocol plugin solution - Swarm/Nbzz, Swarm/Nbzz is specifically designed to improve and solve the incentive problem of Bzz nodes as a way to help Swarm network's long-term development.


Swarm/Nbzz is an extension plugin project that fully follows the Swarm API specification, allowing mining pool storage, bandwidth and compute resources to be mined to support applications based on the ethereum network. The team seeks to create peer-to-peer storage and service solutions that are disruption-free, zero-failure and audit-avoidant.The Swarm/Nbzz vision is to make the Swarm network the most comprehensive distributed computing infrastructure network in coverage.
On top of Swarm, NBZZ introduces a more complete economic incentive model and implements two functions: adding online hours rewards to the Swarm network in addition to service supply rewards, Swarm nodes can get online hours rewards as long as they participate and contribute to the building of the Swarm network, so that the development of the Swarm project will not be limited by short time The project development of Swarm will not be affected by the imbalance of the distributed storage supply and demand market, increase the rights and interests of Swarm nodes, and help the Swarm network develop better and more benignly.
At the same time, a new distributed computing cluster network interface belonging to the Swarm/Nbzz plugin has been added, allowing applications to invoke more performance from Swarm nodes within the specification, setting up additional service provisioning incentives beyond the distributed storage of the Swarm network itself.The Swarm/Nbzz plugin optimizes the computing resources of the Swarm network, increasing the network's penetration in web 3.0.


Swarm/Nbzz makes full use of idle storage and bandwidth resources to create a true sharing economy, using scientific incentive mechanisms to mobilize idle resources for storage and bandwidth, storing and distributing data with idle resources so as to gain wealth rewards, with all node operators participating in achieving a fair data economy and ensuring data availability and integrity to achieve a large scale, self-sustaining sharing economy system.
The current era of data explosion, the global data storage market size is about to exceed the 100 billion dollar mark, based on Swarm's big fire Swarm/Nbzz, ride the momentum and empower the future distributed storage market, committed to making Swarm network the most comprehensive coverage of distributed computing infrastructure network, with a long-term strategic development vision of the pre-participants will be richly rewarded, ushering in wealth Value soars.

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